Welcome to liverpoolchurch.net! We’re a small, Bible believing, independent church based in Liverpool.
We’ve been meeting together since March 2020, which was the start of the first Covid Lockdown
Initially we met up to feed the homeless during lockdown, but now we meet together online in small WhatsApp groups
We also preach the gospel of God’s amazing grace, on Tuesdays, in Liverpool city centre (more details below)
Preaching The Gospel In Liverpool City Centre [04/05/2022]
There is no Sunday church meeting in Liverpool city centre at the moment
All teaching/pastoring is currently done through WhatsApp group meetings on Wednesday and Sunday evenings
If you would like to join one of these groups for online fellowship, you are very welcome
To contact me, please email me at chris.vick@liverpoolchurch.net
We preach the gospel in Liverpool city centre, next to Queen’s Square Travel Centre, each Tuesday at 12.30pm
The Apostle Paul said that the gospel is: Christ died for sins, was buried and rose again (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Anyone who believes the gospel, receives forgiveness of sins and the righteousness of God (Romans 1:16-17, 3:25-26)
You are very welcome to join for these times of outreach & fellowship
This website contains many Video Podcasts, most of which are recordings of online church meetings
The latest podcasts from Chris Vick at liverpoolchurch.net can be found in the Christian Freedom podcast series, which is available to stream for free on Spotify:
The most recent video podcast can be found in What’s New
There are also many other Podcasts available on this site, with teaching on salvation by faith, righteousness by faith, spiritual circumcision and the Christian’s inheritance in Christ
All podcasts are available to stream for free
The Top 5 most popular sermons are:
(1) A Christian’s Righteousness Is Sealed, Because They Have Died To Sin [Romans 8:1-4]
(2) Legally, A Christian Can’t Sin Before God, Because They Have Died To The Law [Galatians 2:16-19]
(3) Sin Will Not Reign In A Christian, If They Don’t Put Themselves Under The Law [Romans 6:11-14]
(5) Spiritual Circumcision [Colossians 2:11-12]
As lead pastor of Liverpool Church, I preach the gospel for free. Since we are an independent church, I do not get supported by any religious organisation
All the teaching on this site is free. If you are able to make a donation to support my ministry, any small amount will make a difference to me
If you would like to support my ministry as a church pastor in Liverpool, then you can donate through PayPal using this link:
Thank you and may God bless you in the coming year!!
Chris Vick