SERMON 15 [06/11/19]
Christian Maturity/Strong Faith (Part 1): Simple Faith in Christ Alone
SERMON 16 [13/11/19]
Christian Maturity/Strong Faith (Part 2): God Justifies the Ungodly
SERMON 26 [18/03/21] VIDEO
Christian Maturity (Part 3): Legally, a Christian Can’t Sin Before God
SERMON 28 [01/04/21] VIDEO
Christian Maturity (Part 4): You are Chosen in Christ
SERMON 17 [20/11/19]
Christian Identity (Part 1): Sons and Daughters of God
SERMON 18 [04/12/19]
Christian Identity (Part 2): Holy Before God
SERMON 14 [30/10/19]
Christian Purpose (Part 1): To Glorify God
SERMON 19 [11/12/19]
Christian Purpose (Part 2): God’s Plan for Your Life